So what is it like having a child with autism?

So, what is it like having a child with autism?

I get this question a lot and actually like it when people ask. Unless a person has significant contact with someone on the spectrum he/she doesn't really understand what an autism driven world is about. Saying that, it isn't always easy to convey what having a child with autism is like. After much consideration, this is what I've come up with -

For me, having a child with autism is like living with an alien from another planet. I call him the "reluctant astronaut (R.A.)" because he really didn't want to come to earth, had absolutely no interest in this space mission. As a result, he didn't pay much attention at the briefings prior to the mission so doesn't know anything about Planet Earth - nothing about language, customs, or Earthling niceties in general. In fact, he is so disinterested in Earth that even though he was sent here, he has absolutely no desire to assimilate into Earth society. Meaning he still doesn't give a rat's ass about Earth mores.

That's also how I "explain" things he does that are pretty much unfathomable to me. For example - for a certain time period he liked to sit in the toilet. No, not on the toilet but in the toilet. I reasoned that on the home planet the toilet is a jacuzzi. Although eventually we managed to break him of this habit, the jacuzzi explanation popped again during potty training when the R.A. demonstrated not only an aversion to the toilet but would have all out nuttys when placed on one. He was probably thinking, "Poop in the jacuzzi? What is wrong with you people? Miscreants!" That's what he would say if he could speak English or any Earthing dialect.

For a time I was also convinced that not only was he a reluctant astronaut but was actually an alien cat that somehow ended up in a human body. It does make sense -


Has to everything his way

Reluctant Astronaut



Don't touch me!

Reluctant Astronaut



Doesn't speak human language

Reluctant Astronaut



Doesn't wear clothes

Reluctant Astronaut

Ditto (Well, would if he had his way)

Of course I don't really believe my son to be a Reluctant Astronaut.

But sometimes it sure makes sense!

Disclaimer: Although I sometimes describe things about life with my R.A. in a humorous way, please understand that I am not laughing at him. He is my son and I love him very very much. I come from a family that had its share of challenges and I learned from a young age that laughter is powerful. A situation cannot completely hurt you if you are able to find humor and laugh at some parts of it. So that's what I do. And I don't use humor solely with the R.A. My daughter was born with a heart condition that required immediate surgery. (No, I don't make good babies. They come out broken.) She was whisked away by ambulance to the hospital in Boston. It was all unexpected and traumatic. A nice young intern came to speak with my husband and me and was re-assuring us that nothing we had done caused the baby's condition. The stress and sorrow were overwhelming. When the nice young intern concluded I turned to my husband and said, "See, I told you it wasn't from all that smack I did during my pregnancy." The intern froze and then let out this huge belly laugh. Was I appropriate? Probably not. But I had to do something to relieve the stress. Astronaut life is stressful so find the laughter where you can.
And as G.K. Chesterton said, "Humor can get through the keyhole when seriousness is still hammering at the door."

Friday, July 8, 2011

I am Master of All that I Survey

and even that which I don't....

One of the R.A.'s favorite pastimes is climbing.  He's quite agile and  prefers to climb items not really intended for climbing such as window sills, counters, televisions, computer monitors, microwaves, high chairs, his sister's easel, his father's bureau. Stuff like that.  What's that?  You're suggesting we take him to a park where there is equipment meant for climbing?  What a super idea!  Why didn't we think of that?  Okay, All Star, before you start being all superior-ishy let me stop you there.  Despite popular opinion deeming us as two steps below stupid, we did take the R.A. to the park where, of course, he was terrified of the jungle gym.  We tried to coax him on to it.  Nope.  We showed him how to climb it.  Nope.  At one point my husband even attempted to put the R.A. on the equipment only to be rewarded with a spectacular freak out during which we hastily left the park after the other adults gave us filthy looks because we made our kid cry.

To recap - jungle gym out, unsafe items in the home in.

The R.A.'s favorite thing to climb is his father's bureau.  Once he hoists himself up he likes to sit in the top drawer (the sock drawer) and just ruminate on his life.  He can see the entire room from this perch.  It's one of the few moments when the R.A. is relatively still.  In addition to the sock drawer being his equivalent of a meditation tree house, the R.A. also uses it as a storage facility.  My husband has found a flashlight, a screwdriver, Dum Dum wrappers,and other various R.A. ephemera in his sock drawer.  The items are quite varied.  I think they may be part of his escape kit.

Despite being a gifted climber, the R.A. isn't so hot at getting himself down from spots, including the sock drawer.  Many times the R.A. ends up stranding himself in the dismount.  Once I found him hanging almost upside down, dangling by one leg which was caught in between two drawers.  He was furious not so much that I apparently took my own sweet time to rescue him but that the bureau didn't cooperate and trapped him.  I should also point out that when the R.A. is stranded he very rarely cries out.  (I won't tell you how long he has been stranded on certain occasions...)  Also interesting is that despite his long track record of becoming stranded, the R.A. still climbs only to end up stranded.  Unlike a "neuro-typical" child who would have such an experience once and then file it under "Heck No Never Again" the R.A. will keep at it and keep at as if this time it will be different and then be livid when it isn't.  "I don't understand it.  I did it exactly the same way that I did the 14 previous times and I still ended up stuck.  What gives?"  The R.A. must come from an extremely tenacious planet that doesn't have a grip on statistics or probability.

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